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Evaluating the Health and Policy Implications of FAR-UV Technology

February 27, 2024

The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security hosted a 1-day not-for-attribution meeting on February 27, 2024, in Washington, DC, to convene 54 experts from academia, government, and industry to discuss current research about the effectiveness and use of Far-UV; how Far-UV compares to other technologies including GUV at 254nm; and any outstanding questions about safety efficacy, and feasibility for implementation. Experts presented on a range of topics, including, efficacy, the role of engineering controls, indoor chemistry considerations, energy efficiency, impacts on eyes, skin, and respiration, environmental effects, ozone and oxidation products, regulatory issues, and standards development. These plenaries were followed by robust moderated discussions. This meeting was sponsored by Effective Giving, The OSLUV Project, and Blueprint Biosecurity.

Publication: Linder, A.; Zhu, A.; Bruns, R.; Olsiewski, P.; Gronvall, G. FAR-UV Technology and Germicidal Ultraviolet (GUV) Energy: A Policy and Research Review for Indoor Air Quality and Disease Transmission Control. Preprints 2024, 2024100392.


Attendee List


Objective: This workshop convenes experts from a range of disciplines to identify remaining scientific questions, risks, and subsequent policy recommendations for use of FAR-UV technology. 

Day 1: Monday February 26, 2024

6:30 - 9:00 pm  Working Dinner at Proper 21 
1319 F Street, NW, Washington, DC 20004 
06:30-7:00 pm  

Welcome, Opening Remarks and Dinner

  • Gigi Gronvall, Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Senior Scholar, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
  • Richard Williamson, Program Director, Blueprint Biosecurity
  • Chloe Browne Director of Communications, The OSLUV Project
  • Vivian Belenky, Research Fellow, Convergent Research
  • Lewis Rubinson, Vice President, In-Q-Tel 
08:00-09:00 pm  

After Dinner Discussion
Moderated by Paula Olsiewski, Contributing Scholar, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security 

Disease Transmission and the Impact of Far UV Technologies

  • Don Milton, Professor of Environmental Health, Applied Environmental Health, University of Maryland 

The Role of Engineering Controls

  • Bill Bahnfleth, Professor of Architectural Engineering, Pennsylvania State University  

Indoor Chemistry Considerations and FAR-UV

  • Delphine Farmer, Professor, Department of Chemistry, Colorado State University 

Day 2: Tuesday February 27, 2024

08:30-9:00 am  Breakfast Available
09:00-09:15 am  

Welcome & Meeting Goals

  • Gigi Kwik Gronvall, Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, Department of Environmental Health and Engineering
  • Stephanie Guerra, Assistant Director for Health Security and Biodefense, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
  • Lewis Radonovich, Deputy Director, Respiratory Health Division, Centers For Disease Control and Prevention
09:15-10:15 am  

FAR-UV Technology, Efficacy Overview, and Remaining Knowledge Gaps
Moderated by Gigi Kwik Gronvall, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, Department of Environmental Health and Engineering 

This session will focus on the promise of FAR-UV and the potential applications. Speakers will discuss Far UV technology and effectiveness, highlight recent developments in advancement of the technology, and address remaining knowledge gaps that may require consideration before the wide dissemination of the technology.  Discussion will focus on the following questions: Why is FAR-UV needed to improve indoor air quality and reduce disease transmission? How is FAR-UV different from UV254? Does energy efficiency considerations limit usefulness of the technology? 

The Promise of FAR-UV

  • David Brenner, Higgins Professor of Radiation Biophysics (in Radiation Oncology) and of Environmental Health Sciences, Columbia University 

Energy Efficiency and Indoor Air Quality

  • Belal Abboushi, Lighting Research Engineer, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
10:15-10:30 am  Coffee Break
10:30 am -12:00 pm  

FAR-UV effects on People: What is Known and Research Gaps
Moderated by Don Milton, University Maryland 

This session will focus on the potential impacts of FAR-UV on human skin, eyes, and respiratory tract, including what is known about them, safety studies, and research gaps that need to be addressed. Discussion will focus on the following questions: How do we balance FAR-UV disinfection efficacy with safety? What do we need to learn about safety for the general population to be comfortable with technology, and what are the time scales for deployment vs safety studies?  

Potential Impacts of FAR-UV on Eyes

  • Sachiko Kaidzu, Assistant Professor, Shimane University 

Potential Impacts of FAR-UV on Skin

  • Ewan Eadie, Head of Scientific Services for Photobiology and Optical Radiation at NHS Tayside 

Potential Impact of FAR-UV on Lungs and Respiration

  • Ed Nardell, Professor in the Department of Environmental Health; Professor of Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard University  
12:00 pm -12:30 pm  Break for Lunch (Lunch Provided

Attendee List

  • Belal Abboushi, PhD
    Lighting Research Engineer
    Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • William (Bill) Bahnfleth, PhD
    Pennsylvania State University
  • Vivian Belenky, MS
    Research Fellow / Senior Technician
    Convergent Research / Columbia University
  • David Brenner, PhD, DSc
    Columbia Univeristy
  • Chloe Browne
    Director of Communications and Outreach
    The OSLUV Project
  • Richard Bruns, PhD
    Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
  • Holger Claus, PhD
    Vice President
    Ushio America
  • Peter DeCarlo, PhD
    Associate Professor
    Johns Hopkins
  • Ewan Eadie, PhD
    Head of Scientific Services, Photobiology Unit
    Ninewells Hospital
  • Delphine Farmer, PhD
    Colorado State University
  • Jessica Green, PhD
    Program Manager
  • Gigi Gronvall, PhD
    Senior Scholar
    Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
  • Steph Guerra, PhD
    Assistant Director for Health Security and Biodefense
    The White House
  • Aline Heffernan, MPH
    Senior Regulatory Advisor, Antimicrobials Division, Office of Pesticide Programs
    Environmental Protection Agency
  • Vito Ilacqua, PhD
    US EPA
  • Paul Jensen, PhD
    Co-Founder and Vice President
    Final Approach Inc (FAI)
  • Sachiko Kaidzu, PhD
    Department of Ophthalmology, Shimane University Faculty of Medicine, Izumo, Japan
  • Jana Kesavan, PhD
    Research Scientist
  • Benjamin Kirkup, PhD
    Senior Biologist
    US Navy
  • Norman Kleiman, PhD
    Associate Professor
    Columbia Univeristy
  • Jesse Kroll, PhD
  • Julie Liao, PhD
    Program Officer
    National Academies of Sciences
  • Alexander Linder, MSc
    Senior Analyst
    Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
  • Michael Link, PhD
  • Paul Locke, JD, MPH, DrPH
    Department of Environmental Health & Engineering
    Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
  • Stephen (Steve) Martin, PhD
    Senior Research Engineer
  • Richard Martinello, MD
    Professor, Internal Medicine and Pediatrics
    Yale School of Medicine
  • Cameron Miller, PhD
    Research Chemist
  • Don Milton, MD, DrPH
    University of Maryland
  • Edward Nardell, MD
    EHIID Professor
  • William Nazaroff, PhD
    Professor Emeritus
    University California Berkeley
  • Paula Olsiewski, PhD
    Contributing Scholar
    Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
  • M Pang
    Executive Director
    The OSLUV Project & Open Aeros
  • Dustin Poppendieck, PhD
    Environmental Engineer
  • Lew Radonovich, MD
    Deputy Director
    National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory
  • Gurmurthy (Ram) Ramachandran, PhD
    Professor and Director, Johns Hopkins Center for Education and Research in Occupational Health
  • Katherine Ratliff, PhD
    Physical Scientist
  • Donghyun Rim, PhD
    Associate Professor
    Penn State University
  • Lewis Rubinson
    Vice President, Technical Staff
  • Ana Rule, PhD
    Assistant Professor
    Johns Hopkins University
  • Julie Schafer, PhD, MPH
    Flu Lab
  • David Sliney, PhD
    Consulting Medical Physicist (long-time associate in BSPH) retired from US Army Public Health Center
  • Jacob Swett, PhD
    Executive Director
    Blueprint Biosecurity
  • Richard Vincent, MS
    Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
  • Charles Weschler, PhD
    Rutgers University
  • Richard Williamson
    Program Director
    Blueprint Biosecurity
  • Kristen Willis, PhD
    Deputy Director- Antimicrobials Division
    Environmental Protection Agency
  • Alex Zhu, MSPH
    Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security